Farewell Dear Friends, I Now Cross the Threshold into a New Adventure

I’ve made the decision to cast myself in the role of a hero, to cross the threshold into a new world, to take on an adventure.
Shouldn’t we strive to become the hero of the story of what  happens to us?
I have received news–it feels like a summons, actually, as if I’ve been drafted. And I will not run away. I will go and fight.
Did I choose this adventure? Well, yes, a long time ago. Only I didn’t know I was choosing this. 
I’m intentionally being vague because I don’t have permission to disclose where I’m going, or why. I can only say that I’m going there with family, and that it’s a serious, scary place full of tests, ordeals and enemies. There I am sure to find allies who will help me survive, so that I can gain the rewards hidden in that strange place.
Which rewards? I don’t know. How can there be anything good in that dark, terrifying place to which I am going? Yet I choose to believe–I must believe–there are spiritual treasures hidden there. I will search for them, and fight to claim them for myself, with the goal of bringing them back when I return, transformed.
If l return, I will bring my story with me.
I’ve just described stages 5-12 of “the hero’s journey,” a useful tool for writers as they plot out their stories. You can read more about it by clicking here.
This story, my story today, however is not merely a story. I must live this.
Getting to know you, my blogosphere friends, has been wonderful. Many of you have been my mentors (see step 4), people who have prepared me for what comes next. You’ve given me courage and wisdom for my journey. Thank you.
I don’t want to leave you. I like it here. Just a few days ago, I planned on staying here. I promised to start a new series. But that plan was wishful thinking, an avoidance of what I hoped I would not have to face.
But I am not a shirker of duty. I will go because love insists I must go. I do not know when I will return.
I will miss you, my blogging/social media/cyberspace world.
Friends, I covet your prayers and good wishes. Leave them here in the comments–call out to me as I depart. I will hear you and treasure your encouragement, but I have already decided not to respond to any more comments. My burden has become very heavy. So beginning now I will take on only the most essential obligations.
Fare thee well. I will hold you in my heart until we meet again.

22 thoughts on “Farewell Dear Friends, I Now Cross the Threshold into a New Adventure”

  1. Oh Tracy, your post comes loaded with great sadness but incredible strength. Wherever it is you have to go, I wish you well. Whatever it is you have to do I believe you will tackle with the same strength you display here.
    It’s been great getting to know you through our blogs. Till we meet again – au revoir and lots of love x

  2. Dear Tracy, I can only send love and prayers for strength and guidance in the dark days ahead, and a scripture that comes to mind as I type: ‘Whether I turn to the right or to the left, your voice will be there guiding me’… Wherever you are going or why, God knows, and I pray that He will surround you with the love and help and care that you need and when you need it. God bless you always Tracy…Love Sherri <3

  3. I’ve just recently discovered your blog, and I hope you will return from your journey with added strength and an incredible tale–that love triumphs and all is well. Good luck and safe journey.

  4. Tracy dear, Your journey sounds like a serious one. You know if there is anything Joe and I can do, please don’t hesitate to ask. We love you and hope all will turn out well. Our prayers are with you dear friend, we will be here for you and your family. Take care, LOVE YOU!

  5. Sounds like you have a tough road ahead Tracy. I wish that the courage will never live you, and you will have enough strength to get through whatever will be thrown at you, and return stronger.

  6. Karin Van den Bergh

    Dear Tracy, I read on fb you were going to take a break but this sounds more serious than just a digital detox. I will miss you. Wishing you all the best on your journey, my friend. Blessings of Light & Love. xx

  7. I saw you book again on my dresser which prompted me to inquire about your well-being, and now I see THIS. You can be assured of my good thoughts and prayers on this mysterious journey. God be with you and yours!

  8. I have enjoyed your posts and will miss your thoughtful and positive writing.
    Whatever it is you are facing, know you are not alone. God is with you.
    I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
    God bless you all

  9. Thank you Tracy for all the support you have given me throughout my journey.
    I will truly miss you and hope that you may stop by sometime, and that you will be back with us here one day. I wish you strength, resilience, peace and comfort.

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