why poetry matters

New Hampshire Poet Laureate Alice B. Fogel on How to Explore Poetry's Strange Terrain

“Language as a tool to manipulate both mind and heart…snapshot of the human condition; of our mortality reflected in nature; the staying of time.” Alice B. Fogel Why poetry matters “Poetry will bring you significant new interactions with the world around you, with ideas and sensations, with yourself and others,” poet Alice B. Fogel wrote …

New Hampshire Poet Laureate Alice B. Fogel on How to Explore Poetry's Strange Terrain Read More »

How poetry ignited a long-term online friendship: a conversation with Violet Nesdoly

  Are you interested in writing poetry, and connecting with other writers? Are you wondering whether there are any benefits to writing and reading poems? To explore these questions, I’m inviting you to eavesdrop on my long, virtual conversation with Violet Nesdoly, as we cyber-talk (or, more accurately, as we type back and forth) about …

How poetry ignited a long-term online friendship: a conversation with Violet Nesdoly Read More »