
Want to commercialize your baking hobby? 5 practical tips from award-winning entrepreneur Emma Bates

Have you ever been so overcome with excitement you couldn’t talk? In May, 2013, entrepreneur Emma Bates, who founded Courser Farm Kitchen, opened her email to discover a message from New Hampshire Magazine that Courser Farm Kitchen’s granola had won Editor’s Choice Best Granola.  About this heart-in-her-mouth experience, Emma writes on her blog:  “I started jumping all around and screaming. …

Want to commercialize your baking hobby? 5 practical tips from award-winning entrepreneur Emma Bates Read More »

Tracy Lee Karner

Dream of being your own boss? Why and why not to become an entrepreneur…

This is my new series about entrepreneurship. Once a month (starting next week), I’ll be profiling creative and inspiring individuals who are building their own businesses. (Look over at my categories list–there’s a new category!) Sometimes economic crises and personal circumstances come together to make entrepreneurship the best option for building a good life. My …

Dream of being your own boss? Why and why not to become an entrepreneur… Read More »