Tracy Lee Karner

A Wish to Build a Dream On

Tracy Lee Karner
Morning Glory. What a beautiful name to build a dream on!

I interrupt my Newport, Rhode Island series to bring you this (totally personal but perhaps important) musing…
I fear:

  • the brightest minds in America are engineering sports shoes, designing video games and drawing political-satire cartoons.

I wish the brightest minds in America would put their heads together to:

  • provide an education which brings out the unique gifts inherent in each one of our precious children;
  • fight hunger & homelessness;
  • find gracious and compassionate words to create cross-everything understanding;
  • and make it completely unacceptable to spout sarcastic, base-minded, mean-spirited rhetoric which fosters enmity.

So, what’s your wish to build a dream on?
(if you agree, please share and repost… and of course. add your own brilliant, personal sentiments)

10 thoughts on “A Wish to Build a Dream On”

  1. richardstuartgilbert

    I totally agree, Tracy, and can’t top your list! I was just in San Francisco where the wealth was obscene. But we’re all going to die, no matter how many toys we amass, so let’s help each other if we can.

  2. So very well said, Tracy! Sadly, these days it sounds like utopia however, with all the partisan divisiveness that hampers the implementation of social policies (the continuing cuts to the public education system are just an example).

  3. My dream is that we can all be able to look each other in the eye, worldwide. That entails living a decent and moral life, that we strive to be better for each other every day. And never give up on it.

    1. The never giving up is the key for idealists–I’ve been knocked around and taken advantage of because I’ve been naive, thinking everyone’s goals for morality, decency, harmony must be the same as mine. And it tempted me to want to give up.
      But I’m not giving up.

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